There are lots of songs about Monday are there not? Manic Monday, Monday Monday, Tell Me Why I Don't Like Mondays et al... but i cannot think of a single song with Tuesday in the title. Unless i'm being utterly thick. Which is not unlike me. Perhaps you could enlighten me if you are not too busy?? Anyway, i'm currently trying to learn some new Christmas songs on the piano and it's a bit frustrating that they don't sound quite as brilliant as I want them to. Still, practice makes perfect and all that. I am still off work for another 3 (!) weeks so will have plenty of time to let my fingers work their magic (that will please DazPleasure). That may also be why my blogs are so freaking long at the moment. Ooo Crystal Gayle is singing Jingle Bells to me - how lovely...
It really amused me that someone on The Feeling forum said they enjoyed reading my blog for the continuing adventures of Ruthiepoos! She is getting as famous as DazPanteloons! Hehe... Anyway last night we trekked from the apartment through the dodgy part of Birmingham to go and see the Scissor Sisters in concert at the National Indoor Arena... which of course was packed with girls in cowboy hats and feather boas, and gays in sparkly tee shirts. I looked positively demur... I have to say overall, while i absolutely love the Scissters live, there was a certain something missing from the performance that i can't put my finger on. It was a great evening, but not as magnificent as the other times i have seen them. Here are some highlights and lowlights of the night though...
~ The programmes were pricey but nice. An LP sized box contained some gorgeous photos and the band's feelings on making Ta-Dah and touring it around the world...
~ The support band The Gossip were rubbish. It was like watching a giant lava lamp osmose around the stage while someone skinned a cat. I was not impressed. At all...
~ Then there was an hour wait for the Scissters which was ok because we got to hear about Ruthiepoos new job and take poor quality mobile phone photos. Because we are hardcore party animals. I think Ruth dribbled on my cashmere sweater at some point too but i am not sure...??
~ When the Scissters entered the stage, they did so through those elevator doors on the front of their cd. Which is quite clever, no?
~ the first six songs were all magnificent in the extreme - i particularly liked when Del came up front at the instrumental outro of I Can't Decide (a definite audience fave) and did a funky little jig with Jake...
~ Ana Mantronic is the queen of on stage banter (take notes Sandi Thom!) - she dedicated Laura to the first lady ("may she rest in pieces someday") and Lights to two sisters in Ireland who chopped up their mom's boyfriend, and whom the press christened the Scissor Sisters ("you know you've made it when serial killers are named after you")...
~ Some of the songs were just plain not good live or in a weird order. I would've skipped Transistor altogether, put ballad Mary after the glorious Land Of A Thousand Words (the best bond theme never written and performed below thousands of twinkling lights - a definite highlight) leaving the show to be finished with two party stompers...
~ The encore was also super good and bought it all back together. Great lights show and the big screens had some great camera work during Filthy - constant live images changing instantly led to a frenetic but exhilarating viewing experience...
~ She's My Man
~ I Can't Decide
~ Tits On The Radio
~ Laura
~ Lights
~ Kiss You Off
~ Paul McCartney
~ Take Your Mama Out
~ Everybody Wants The Same Thing
~ Land Of A Thousand Words
~ Transistor
~ Comfortably Numb
~ Music Is The Victim (surely should have been a single?!)
~ Mary
ENCORE: I Don't Feel Like Dancing
ENCORE: Filthy/Gorgeous
Check the spin off blog for a nostalgic visit to the last Scissters concert we all went to together...
THE POP ROYALTY: Yes, I'm still utterly excited about the return of my favourite boyband ever to the charts. Take That release their first new single in ten years digitally today with Patience finally being available on iTunes. It's a clever title insofar as it refers to the theme of the song, but also the long wait fans have endured for the hinted at return in their splitting up speech back in 1996... Two new songs on the single showcase the matured sound of the reformed group, while retaining their ability to put together timeless pop classics. Trouble With Me has gorgeous piano intro and multi layered harmony on the catchy chorus, that boasts pulsing guitars and a real cohesiveness between the group. Beautiful Morning is not too dissimilar - a great uplifting track that shows the band at the peak of their game. If the album is this good, I may explode.
Similarly, Kylie is another act that has endured the harsh world of pop for many years. After a unappreciated (by some) diversion in the mid nineties, she emerged as the worlds leading popstrel in the new millenium and her comeback tour after beating cancer has the world eating out of the palm of her hand again. New song written with the Scissor Sisters "White Diamond" has been eagerly youtubed by fans all over the blogosphere, is definitely the spiritual successor to I Believe In You and has me practically salivating for new material. A showgirl indeed....
MP3: Take That - Beautiful Morning
MP3: Take That - Trouble With Me
MP3: Kylie - White Diamond (live)
THE S CLUB JUNIOR:Aaah how i wanted to dislike Bianca Ryan. I'm not a big fan of tweens with large vocal capacity and hadn't even heard of the tv talent show that she won. But Simon Cowell adores her, and she certainly has an impressive voice that belies her young years. So against my better judgement, I have ended up liking her! Gah! Her debut album reminds me a little bit of Play's full length debut - not in terms of musical style, but in terms of liberally borrowing tunes that have been successful everywhere but America. And of course, Simon Cowell will use songs he knows and loves time and time again. Hence, Bianca's version of current Westlife chart-topper The Rose; a slightly strange version of Jamelia's Superstar (surely it would have been more fun for her to do Beware Of The Dog) and even a slowed down version of Hear'say's Pure and Simple. All not bad, some much better than others. Her version of I'm Telling You I'm Not Going is bloody amazing though...
LINK: Purchase Bianca Ryan's debut album
MP3: Bianca Ryan - Superstar
MP3: Bianca Ryan - Pure and Simple
~ 7 to watch in 2007 mini update! Justin Lanning (above with a very popstar plastic bag in background ;) ) has been interviewed for Error FM and is quite rightly their featured artist of the week. Click here to check out their website...
~ 7 to watch in 2007 mini update2! Gavin Mikhail is releasing his very fine album Like Normal People Do in Japan in early 2007, with two previously unreleased bonus tracks. Bonus indeed...
~ 7 to watch in 2007 mini update3! Pacific Avenue have some mighty fine black and white head shots up at their myspace site. Very boyband, very big in 2007 :)
~ Billiam have a cool live performance up on their myspace page or you can view it on my myspace profile. It's nice to see classic boyband coming back and these guys could give Eton Road a few tips about slick choreography...
~ You can stream Emma Bunton's new album over at her official site. I was cold towards her debut, loved her last album and seem to quite like this one so far - excluding the pointless but money raising so yay Downtown...
~ NOOOOOO! The Upper Room have split?! This is surely tragic news :( I am gutted :( I will do a post mortem soon and a bit of news on a new band rising out the ashes...
Coming soon: Definitely something on Gary Barlow; Definitely something v soon on Jean and THEM; most probably something on Jack's Mannequin and some other "alternative bands"; A fresh wave of fresh faced myspace singers; more info on TheZapping Record Company project; a fashion feature; gay singers (blame Observer Music Monthly); the 24 days of Christmas; Zapping guest writers during my holiday; that lengthy Lois and Clark piece; Books; and no doubt lots more inbetween the moon and new york city...
Labels: bianca ryan, kylie, scissor sisters, take that
"Tuesday Letter" by Cloud Eleven
"Tuesday Afternoon" by The Moody Blues
"Tuesday Morning" by The Pogues
"Tuesday's Girl" by The Pyramidiacs
"Super Tuesday" by The Shazam
"Tuesday Through Saturday" by Splitsville
"Tuesday Wednesday" by The Woodentops
Those are all pop/rock tunes, just in my collection. If you want to hear any of them send me an email (it's on my blog).
Its heart breaking that Upper Room have decided, after much sorrowful discourse I bet, to go their seperate ways. I can only imagine that after such huge success around the world that the pressure of fame got the better of them. It happens to all of us.
I really hope Pacific Avenue release a CD--it might not revolutionize the world of pop, but I have a feeling I would love it.
Rob - i am done with my copy. I can mail it to you if you will drop the sarcasm over Upper Room ;)
"photographer" (Surely not your real name!!) I am excited - i will look now :)
Thanks for the Bianca Ryan songs.
Emma Bunton was my 2nd favourite Spice Girls. I'm with you on her debut album. I Loved the last album too. I'll check the new album out later :)