Well here are some shots of my day out with my lovely parents - mama and papa Zapping. Not ones to shy away from being overstimulated at outings, it was quite an eventful but ultimately smashing day. Here are some highlights...

~ Above is my mother flirting outrageously with some random (and smelly) busker and trying to convince him to let her duet with him on Hey Jude...
~ Outside the bullring shopping centre in town is a giant brass bull. My dad meanly tried to convince my mom to kiss it for a photo. Luckily sanity prevailed and she didn't - it was vair vair nippy noodles out and i was convinced her lips would stick to it...
~ My mom not knowing the meaning of subtle loudly saying "crikey look at that womans brown hat - it looks like a fox up and died on her head". Cue filthy look from wealthy animal murderer...

~ My parents were stunned by the wonder of Starbucks and above you can see my mom very inappropriately flirting with my dad by seductively drinking her hot chocolate. 3 seconds after the pic was taken she laughed and sprayed cream all over him...
~ My mom asked at the movies at the ticket counter if she could " have 3 tickets for the flicks please". Cue blank stare from 16 year old behind counter...
~ Being at the pics for the quite good James Bond made my parents a bit frisky and they were holding hands and snuggling. I remain mentally scarred.
~ My mom and dad arguing after the film when my mom declared the new Bond sexy. When my dad sniffed at this, mom loudly proclaimed "well Paul would bum him...!!!" :O :O :O Mental scarring continues...
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Nick - i forgot you knew my part of town. What a pity we didn't know each other back then :(
You look like your pop!
Heidi (Dan C's wife)