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stupid sexy flanders

Hello boys and girls. How are we all today? My first week at work is turning out crazy busy - yesterday was in Chester (land of Hollyoaks with it's gay snogs) and today i'm in Northampton. Luckily thursday and friday won't be so busy. And hey, I get to ride the train again today which is always one of my very favourite things to do in the entire world ;) After Darren "made" me watch SawIII last night, I had nightmares about my skull being chopped open and people reaching into my brain and stealing my blogging ideas. Which is ridick because a) people don't just go around sawing people's brains open and b) my ideas aren't that amazing to begin with. I just wrap them up in a ball of fancy to dazzle you all with ;) Anyway, I so haven't forgotten about my lovely NYC trip and putting pics up for you all, I just haven't gotten round to it yet. But i will. At some point. Anyway, perhaps if i didn't waffle on so much in what i call the "pre-amble", I would be done quicker with the good stuff you see below right now. Now! This very second. Well scroll down then...

In his latest "shocking" (according to that dozy moo from the Sun) video - Amazed - Duncan James is grabbed, beaten up, hung upside down and tied to a chair. Charming. Maybe he likes that sort of thing? Or maybe it was his just reward for crimes against music since leaving Blue? I did originally think this, but now have changed my mind somewhat. Blue were a real breath of fresh air to the pop scene - a boyband who were a little bit credible who still were able to turn out top notch pop tunes infused with r'n'b influences. When they split, all eyes were on Duncan first and then Lee to be the huge solo star. If take that has taught us anything, it's not to expect the obvious and Simon Webb is the one reaping in the album sales. Duncan's career did start off pretty badly - the treacly duet with Keadie was pretty dire, but that was for some Andrew Lloyd Webber (boo hiiss) thingy. So hopes were high when his debut single proper Sooner or Later popped onto the scene. At the time, i just ignored it thinking it was a bit of sub-One True Voice fluff, but over the past year it's really grown on me and i've come to think it didn't deserve it's 35 chart placing. Now, thanks to Dancing On Ice (in which Duncan is currently starring), he gets another shot at the charts with a cover of the Lonestar track Amazed. It's a pretty safe release and I would have perhaps liked to see something new, but it showcases Duncan's voice and he does look pretty RAR in the video (pre beating). So for crimes against music, i will just have to give Duncan six months probation...
LINK: Buy Duncan James' debut album

Now, i have had two opportunities to see Avenue Q and both times I have blown it. Once was when it was just opening at the Wynn hotel in Vegas and more recently on Broadway in NYC (did i mention i'd been to NYC?) Still, it is on in London and rather strangely, I have recently become utterly addicted to the hilarious and strangely enchanting soundtrack that accompanies the show, If you know nothing about this musical then it's billed as "Sesame St meets South Park" and even the soundtrack isn't for the easily offended. The songs tackle decidedly adult issues such as sexuality, racism, drug use and pornography. What makes them all the more beguiling is the fact that they are presented in a children's song manner - very upbeat and poppy, while presenting lyrics that are raunchy, vulgar, wickedly clever and have an uncanny ability to satire it's subject matter while making you laugh and think at the same time. Not an easy task to do. It may get compared to south park but it really couldn't be more separate ~ Monsters who masturbate? Two male roommates who bring the supposed gay subtext of Bert and Ernie into the forefront? Songs that teach us such valuable lessons as "Everyone's A Little Bit Racist," "The Internet is for Porn," and "You Can Be Loud As Hell You Want When You're Making Love"? Sesame Street this ain't. Absolutely hilarious it is. Plus the guy above shagging the puppet has great nipples and popstar hair.
LINK: Purchase Avenue Q Soundtrack
MP3: If You Were Gay

#3 ~ Garth Brooks: I'm not really sure how I ever got into Garth Brooks. He wasn't particularly big over here and certainly Louis Walsh's artists have had more chart success covering his songs than Garth ever did here. Obviously he was ridiculously huge in the USA, and maybe i picked up on him that way? However I did, he kept me entertained with a brand of music I never particularly liked and still don't (Garth and Shania notwithstanding!). Country music has never really taken off in Britain and never really appealed to me, but some of Garth's songs really touched me - Unanswered Prayers, If Tomorrow Never Comes, his sterling cover of Shameless, Burning Bridges, etc. all had a profound impact on a young romantic struggling to find a place in life like myself. But he also knew how to honkytonk down with the best of them and darker tracks like Rodeo and The Thunder Rolls were offset by the fiddle playing tunes of American Honky Tonk Bar Association and Fever. Yet, it was the inspirational lyrics of Standing Outside The Fire that got me through some tough times and instilled in me a love for Garth's music that won't seem to die, despite his retirement from the industry...
Best Track: Standing Outside The Fire

#3 ~ Madonna: It's hard to think of what to write about Madonna. Not because there is not much to say, but because there is so much I could say in a limited amount of space. Madonna is a unique chameleon in terms of being able to successfully reinvent her career for nigh on 25 years now and each album has given me at least one (if not many more) highlight - the Like A Prayer album remains my absolute favourite to this day, and I also think Erotica and American Life are vastly underrated and both filled with some great pop-dance tunes. Much like Abba, I am now enjoying going back and listening to some of the album tracks I haven't heard for a while that don't get as much airtime commercially - Til Death Do Us Part being a current favourite. What can I say ~ She's Madonna...
Best track: Like A Prayer
Coming tomorrow: God knows yet - maybe some disney tracks by current artists; maybe the number two male and female singers; maybe some myspace artists; and maybe a little bit of fashion; plus possibly more hints on an all new zapping...


  1. DanProject76 said...
    Avenue Q?

    Just got home from seeing it. Heh.
    D'luv said...
    Garth Brooks....................................................................................................................................................................................................*
    Poster Girl said...
    I did see Avenue Q on Broadway, and I really enjoyed it, but then, I am not as much of a musical expert as you...liking the soundtrack sounds like a good first step, though!

    I have to admit I was a bit fascinated by that Duncan video when I first saw it, mainly because it's not at all what I would have expected for a song like that. If it came on TV and I'd never seen it before, I think I'd be interested enough to watch all of it. Haven't seen it lately (or any of Dancing On Ice), but I have always liked "Sooner Or Later." I didn't buy the Darius comparisons at all when it first came out, but now I guess I think that he--or, more accurately, that song--might be in whatever subgenre of pop Darius and Patrick Nuo are in (though it's worth mentioning that being in the same subgenre doesn't necessarily equal having the same quality).
    Paul said...
    Dan - how was it :)

    J'Ason - judge not lest ye be judged. or something...

    PPG - i am growing to like/tolerate Dunky boy James
    D'luv said...
    I don't judge. I just want to take you over my knee and [censored] while DazPingPong [censored] his [censored].

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