Well well well, what a night out. It was a lot of fun and sadly all the pictures are far too hideous to post here! Eep! Unless there is a huge public outcry for them of course... Darren was slightly tipsy once again and was knocking back the beers like they were mothers milk (ew). I was rather mortified when during a rather strenuous dance move his belt buckle broke and went flying off! Cut to about 10 people (friends AND strangers) all fiddling around his crotch trying to repair it while he obliviously carried on dancing! Sweet georgia brown. And that wasn't the only drama of the night. Whilst (peeing) I noticed the urinal leaked so stepped back a bit which impaired my judgement a little bit and I ended up (peeing) a little on the man next to me's shoe. Ew. So i apologised and said oh I'm really sorry and mortified, etc. And HE said "that's ok next to you pee on me you should be in the shower with me!!!! I could use a new (c**t) boy!" I have never been so shocked in all my live long days! I couldn't get out of there fast enough. How repugnant!! Shocking! What is wrong with the world?! Anyway, on with todays slightly long 11 to watch in 2007 post...
Simon Curtis:
. Regular readers of thezapping will know I've adored Simon's music for a while now (google simon curtis and my blog comes up a ridiculous amount of times!), and what a bonus that he turned out to be a super nice guy too. I couldn't be happier that other blogging sites are starting to promote him now (though popjustice was tuned into him far before me!) - and today the lovely Raj at Electroqueer has published his interview with Simon that makes for a great read. If you click on the Simon Curtis tab at the top of this page, you can check out our interview with Simon from just after Christmas. I know Simon will be pleased that Raj loves Answer - if i recall correctly it is the song he wanted as his lead off single :) Simon has also put together a sampler of four tracks from his forthcoming album Alter Boy which he has made available to blogs as a guilt free download. And I absolutely promise that a review of Resist and a track called London are coming soon. Maybe :)
DOWNLOAD: Simon Curtis Alter Boy sampler
. Aw, the lovely Bliss girls are starting to pick up steam. Not only does their fine single Take Me Home Tonight debut on my chart this week (see right), but they have a rather groovy remix of the track by Klubjumpers which amps up the track's funkability factor to the nth degree and makes an already great song a hot dancefloor stomper. And not only this, other people are starting to realise the utter appeal of this group - you can request this song on Jammin radio and you can also check out the weekly single reviews on this very website tomorrow. PS Jadion who produced this song and is quite clearly a genius has a rather artistic looking new photo of himself up on his page. Very Ari from Entourage!
LINK: Request Take Me Home Tonight at Jammin 101
LINK: Jadion's myspace page
STREAM: Take Me Home Tonight ~ Klubjumpers remix
Young Conor has always had a penchant for creating deliriously catchy pop ditties that evoke memories of the 80s george michael and early savage garden, designed to tickle the tastebuds of pop with all their non-pretentious goodness. However, new track Fool For Loving You (posted this week on his myspace) sees him upping the guitar ante and rocking out a little. Coming across as a self assured rock god suits Mr Conor as do his new photos and gives him a very rounded portfolio. Our pick for first single now balances between the laid back Club 55 and this catchy little ditty...
There is nothing I love better than a boyband who knows they are a boyband, worship pop and other boybands and produce poppy delights in their tracks. So hurrah for the return of Billiam! And they have grown. In fact now there are four of them and they are ready for their time on the red carpet. Hopefully very soon, you will get to hear previews of some great new tracks they have been working on and I have it directly from Stephen that they are working on some killer dance routines to go with them. If you are at Butlins in Skegness on Feb 11th you will probably get a glimpse of the routines. Plus welcome Gez and Jordan to the group ~ I particularly like the fact that Gez on his myspace page has a top that i own on!! (well not my top obviously, just one from the same store ;) )
Justin Lanning:
Justin has been a busy boy of late. Not only has he got a whole plethora of the quite amusing actually Justin's World vidclips coming out way, but he has posted a quite mournful sorrowful demo called Once In My Life. It's a very acoustic piano vocal ballad that evokes memories of Uninvited by Alanis Morrisette and I can't wait to hear a fully produced version. I really like the restrained version but can imagine that cranking up the drama in the song will make it a stunning performance. Catch it while you can - Justin has sold his car to help finance some new tracks which will be up soon...
Just a brief tease of what's to come from Digital - their official website launches on Wednesday and I have it from the highest authority that their two best tracks to date will be revealed at the very same time. Cut to me being over analogue and all about the Digital :)
Other brief news ~ don't forget Digital, Beyond, Switch22 and Jean are at popshow in London on Feb 20th; one of my 11 in 07 has called it a day ~ come back tomorrow to see who and who will be replacing them...
~ My good pal Bernice has got her own myspace page! Hurrah! It's a bit sparse but go and add her any way and enjoy her buxom charms! Plus!! Ruthiepoos said if i can get ten people to sign up to her having a myspace page, she will do one! Leave a comment folks!
~ My new charts are up to your right ~ new entries for Bliss and Lily Allen! Plus after four weeks on top, Simon Curtis ends his second run at number one and is replaced by Take That with Shine :)
~ Final vegas days up at holiday diaries. The NYC adventures start this week!
~ Darren and I start our new jobs tomorrow. EEK! Wish us luck :)
Coming Monday ~ a rather large singles review and zapping record company post; my 5th fave male singer; my 5th fave female singer; the newest replacement in our 11 in 07 feature and maybe another musicals revue depending on how my first day goes :)
Still *hearting* Simon Curtis - the music hasn't left my mp3 playlist since first getting it.
Great to hear that you can request "Take Me Home Tonight" on the radio, though my slow change in feelings about the song are worrying me...I think I may just have overplayed it or something, though, and need a small break...at least, I hope that's it!
Sheesh, all your boy bands are growing--next thing you know, Pacific Avenue will be a six piece! ...unless they're the ones who've called it a day! Oh no--who could it be? I always associate calling it a day with groups, for some reason. It can't be Beyond or Switch22 if they're performing soon...so that leaves Lockdown and Pacific Avenue? If it's Pacific Avenue, they better release the full versions of those songs they recorded, and if it's Lockdown, we'll have lost one of the only (the only?) mixed gender bands that put the boys' vocals front a center, an attribute that I loved. It'll be a shame either way... And who will be the replacement? I don't know if I can take the suspense! ;)
PPG - panic not, it's not pacific avenue :)
XO and PPG - ta dudes!
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